Service dog id tags
Service dog id tags

Once it was safe to travel again, people were not willing to leave their best friends behind.” Her site now sees more traffic than ever before. And all of us built deeper bonds with our furry family members. “But during those long months of isolation, more people adopted pets. “Of course, we all had to hit the brakes during the pandemic,” Burkert says. Burkert’s site launched in 2009, and over the past 13 years she has noticed the number of businesses catering to pet travel increase. From March 2020 to May 2021, 23 million homes adopted dogs or cats, according to ASPCA president Matt Bershadker. The pandemic also had something to do with it.

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Now, Salerno says, younger generations like millennials are spending just as much - or even more - on their animals. “You hear them called ‘fur babies’ and we call ourselves ‘pet parents’ instead of ‘owners.’” When Trips With Pets started, seniors dominated the market retired folks and empty nesters had disposable incomes and were willing to spend more for the convenience of bringing their pet on a trip. “A growing number of people think of their pets differently now,” she muses. Salerno has definitely noticed an uptick in pet travel since her site launched in 2003. Here, pet travel experts Salerno and Burkert share insight into their businesses and provide some advice for adventuring with your furry friend. We went all over the country and wrote about the pet friendliness of the destinations we visited.”

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“We sold our house, bought an RV, and traveled full-time with our dogs to show people the kinds of things they could be doing with their pets. “Remember, this was 2009 - traveling with pets wasn’t as common back then as it is now,” Burkert shares of her site’s origins. The site now has more than 65,000 listings for places in the US and Canada. Amy Burkert, founder of, started her site with a similar goal: to provide users with information about pet-friendly hotels, vacation properties, restaurants, campgrounds, and attractions.

Service dog id tags